Friday, September 09, 2005

How not to fund an infrastructure 101.

Here's an article from this month's WORLD TRADE magazine highlighting (in my opinion) one of our greatest challenges as a nation that is certain to "hit the fan" within the next few years. I think KATRINA is a prime example of a fundamental flaw with democracy. Long-term, expensive projects like totally redesigning cities, levees, and highway infrastructures cannot get the funding they need because politicians will no longer be running for office when the fruits of the projects are seen. Instead, money goes to quick-fixes because that brings political popularity NOW.

If engineers and planners had been properly funded anytime in the last four decades, KATRINA would have done far less damage and possibly saved 1000s of lives, not to mention Mardi Gras 2006. This is not the fault of any particular administration, but a simple fact we have to struggle with in a democracy. Unfortunately, It's already too late build the infrastructure necessary to avoid complete highway gridlock in the very near future. Somebody better start mass producing jetpacks and flying cars soon.


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