Monday, November 28, 2005

Squeeze An Egg Into A Bottle

If you've never done the experiment where you squeeze a hard boiled egg into a glass jar, do it. For some reason, it always amazes me. INSTRUCTIONS.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

No more shopping!

I hate shopping. I've been doing Christmas shopping online for years, but I ALWAYS running into the same problem... I wait until the last minute and then can't get it shipped in time.... so I end up having to go to stores anyway.

GOOGLE has just introduced the perfect solution.
1. Go to Froogle.
2. Search for what you are looking for.
3. Click LOCAL SHOPPING and enter the ZIP you want to search.
4. Voila. Maps to the closest and cheapest places to get it... with live inventories from most stores.

So no worries this year. I've got at least a month before I have to worry about buying gifts for people.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Evil Banks
I spotted this bumper sticker at an antique bottle show. The truck also sported a padlock and a NRA sticker. This guy knows security.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Who controls the internet?

I typically start my day reading the headlines from BBC, CNN, and a few other news sources. This morning, I noticed something a little bizarre from the headlines describing how the US/UN negotiations on domain control are going.
BBC Reports: US retains hold of the internet
INFOWORLD Reports: U.S. caves in over monopoly control of the Internet

What? Aren't these 2 headlines about the exact same thing? How can they possibly both be true? So much for my plan of scanning the headlines to get the news. I guess I'll actually have to read the articles to see what is going on.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

"Fiscal Hurricane"

A 'fiscal hurricane' on the horizon. Today's article from USA TODAY is about the most depressing and realistic prediction of the US economy I have seen in a long time. Put simply, nobody from either party is addressing the historic budget problems we have. Because politicians suck at selling tax hikes and budget cuts, it would be suicide if Democrats try to cut spending or if Republicans try to raise taxes. But economists say both have got to happen, and soon. The author compares our fiscal situation to that of Rome before it's collapse.

I had an history professor back in college that liked to compare the US empire to that of Rome. He predicted we were already on the road to making tragic Roman mistakes like blurring the line between pop-culture and politics (Ventura?
Schwarzenegger? Commodus?).

You know, I REALLY love this country and it would be really nice if it was still around when I'm old, I'd even like to give my kids a shot at growing old in the USA. Why the hell won't politicians look past the next elections for once. In 2008 voters and the media must find a way to steer the discussion away from relatively insignificant issues like monkeys, fetusus, and 2 dudes kissing..... and force politicians to address the real issues, like how they are going to keep this country's budget from imploding on itself in the next 50 years.

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Scene

Finally. I've been wondering why Greensboro dosn't have an art movie house. No doubt it would go over well here. I havn't been here yet, and it seems like they're taking a strange approach to it, but it's something:

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Looks like I've hit a blogslump. To my 1-2 readers out there, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been busy and strange lately.

So, here's one for your reading pleasure. I learned something today. I think it's one of those things that somehow you go YEARS not learning about... but to EVERYONE ELSE in the universe, it's common knowledge. A little piece of common sense that I can only assume everyone learns in elementary school slipped by me somehow.

See, I've always hated grapefruits. Bitter to the point of inedible. But apparently, I've never been told, or never seen anyone eat them correctly in 26 years of fruit eating. You don't eat the skin that's on each slice! If you eat it like a orange, it tastes nasty. But I'll be damned, if you just take the thin clear skin off and eat the really red stuff.... it's great. Amazing. I had no idea. If you read this, I'd love a quick informal survey.... Did everyone know this but me somehow? Leave a comment.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Can I quit now? Can I come home?"

We all use email for silly, chatty bull on a daily basis. So, you can't really criticize someone for occasionally using their work email to get fashion advise, arrange a dog sitter, and if they are a little careless, maybe even complain about their job.

That is, of course, unless you are the Director of FEMA and there are hundreds of people under your responsibility dying that very day because of poor Hurricane Katrina planning and execution! In case you haven't already seen the story, or read the emails... HERE is a link to some of his emails during and a few days following Hurricane Katrina.

What a jackass. I wonder how a guy like that gets into a position of.... oh wait, yeah, that's right.. HE IS APPOINTED BY THE FREAKIN' PRESIDENT!