Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Being fat makes you eat doughnuts

Oh, how I love to read the many "studies" that crop up on the internet almost weekly. Apparently, any ass with a clipboard hanging around a university can throw some numbers together, look at them from any angle they want, and some highly visited online news outlet will publish it as truth. HERE is one yahoo considered worthy of their bandwidth. The numbers show that a lot of smokers are stupid. Fine. No suprise, but at least worthy of mention.

However, their conclusion: Smoking must make you stupid.
AHHHH! Idiots!

The article does at least mention (very briefly) the study's downfall "The reason for the observed associations is unknown, and the researchers did not investigate the 'cause and effect story'"

If more fat people are hanging out at Krispy Kreme than skinny people, the first conclusion should NOT be that being fat makes you want doughnuts! Get your cause and effect straight people. Sorry to keep refrencing FSM, but that has about the same logic as my previous post.


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