(Low Tax) Looper
I have no idea what sparked this in my memory, but I had to share it. While attending college at Tennessee Tech University in the tiny town of Cookeville, TN, there was a story that got major national attention... Probably the only time something noteworthy has happened in several decades in Putnam County, TN. But it's a nutty story that you should hear about if you missed it.
The county tax assessor legally changed his name to "Byron (Low-Tax) Looper" so that would show up on the ballot when he ran for State Senate. Unfortunately for Mr. Low-Tax, the incumbent Sen. Tommy Burks was well loved and there was no chance, even with a witty name, that he was going to be defeated in the election.
A few days before the election, Low-Tax decides to show up a Sen. Burks farm and murder him! And some strange law on the Tennessee books says that a dead guy can't run for office... and there can't be a replacement if the election is within 30 days.... so now Low-Tax, the murderer, is unopposed in the election.
Luckily, Ms. Burks, who is now a widow, is a quick thinker and begins campaigning a write-in ballot for herself. She wins by a landslide! In the meantime, Low-Tax is on the run and hiding out in Arkansas. They finally caught him and he is currently serving time in Brushy Mountain State Prison (which happens to be the same prison James Earl Ray was in, and escaped from in 1977).
Somebody has done a good job telling the story on wikipedia.
The county tax assessor legally changed his name to "Byron (Low-Tax) Looper" so that would show up on the ballot when he ran for State Senate. Unfortunately for Mr. Low-Tax, the incumbent Sen. Tommy Burks was well loved and there was no chance, even with a witty name, that he was going to be defeated in the election.
A few days before the election, Low-Tax decides to show up a Sen. Burks farm and murder him! And some strange law on the Tennessee books says that a dead guy can't run for office... and there can't be a replacement if the election is within 30 days.... so now Low-Tax, the murderer, is unopposed in the election.
Luckily, Ms. Burks, who is now a widow, is a quick thinker and begins campaigning a write-in ballot for herself. She wins by a landslide! In the meantime, Low-Tax is on the run and hiding out in Arkansas. They finally caught him and he is currently serving time in Brushy Mountain State Prison (which happens to be the same prison James Earl Ray was in, and escaped from in 1977).
Somebody has done a good job telling the story on wikipedia.
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